Advertise with Auto Guild

Does your business want to reach viewers who are focused on Classic Cars, LS Engine Swaps, and car culture? That's who we are!

Auto Guild viewers seek knowledge

Auto Guild is focused on helping viewers build great cars through expertly researched information and advice.  Viewers come to Auto Guild more for information than entertainment, and most are in the planning and building phase. This means they are ready to buy and count on Auto Guild to help them make smart purchases.

Our Audience

Viewers are looking for solid information in an era of click-bait driven social media. They are car obsessed and driven by a desire for more power and performance.

Our Numbers

Auto Guild provides unique, detailed, and informative videos unlike anything else on YouTube, and viewers have noticed. No other automotive channel has 6 million views with only 20 videos!

As seen on

Auto Guild videos have been covered by some of the top respected industry publications.

  • Discovery

    The first step is to meet and learn about your brands goals, objectives, time-frame, and budget.

  • Proposal

    Then, Auto Guild will put together multiple targeted sponsorship proposal ideas which could include unique video ideas and sponsorships, eBook integration, or even viewer research surveys, depending on your needs.

  • Production

    We start with a concept outline, then a draft script and storyboard, then a final version, with brand feedback and approval at each step. Proposals are turn-key and can be executed quickly, in only 10-30 days.

  • Publish & Analyze

    Videos are closely monitored, and average 300,000 views! After launch Auto Guild will provide a video post launch analysis and summary report on views, clicks, conversions, viewer comments, and more.

Contact Us

Auto Guild will work with you to create a targeted campaign based on your goals and objectives. Pete at Auto Guild is a hardcore gear head, has a Marketing degree, and over 20 years experience working for 2 Automotive OEMs in product planning and research.  We can help you connect to hundreds of thousands of viewers using content that never expires. Contact us now to set up a discovery meeting.

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